

WAHOOOO I’m so excited to post this!

Its time to finally get things going for our first ever SpaceBass Compilation! This comp will features songs from some fan favorites of the sub, some personal favorites, and some who’re active on here and show the community a lot of love

While this isn’t the official official artists announcement (that will be posted 1/28), this is a lil puzzle thing to make it more fun. Below you’ll find all the names of the artists with only a letter or two, so as a community, you’ll all have to guess the artists names!

BUT! There are some rules!

  • You only get 1 GUESS PER POST! That means if you’re really certain of a name, you better be ready to stand on that ish.
  • You can use each others posts and guesses to help eliminate & solve names

But spike…why do we only get one guess per post? Like literally why does it matter dawgie this is reddit lol

WELL starting on 1/15 I will be posting one correctly guessed artist a day on our twitter (heres our twitter). So, if someone in the comments of this posts guesses an artists who’s on the project, they will be revealed daily starting on the 15th until the 27th

I hope this is an enjoyful (enjoyful isn’t a word apparently?? should be) way to get this shit going and you all can have fun solving it together


_ _ b b _ _ _

_ e _ p _ _ _ a l  O _ _

S _ _ _ _ a

_ _ r _ i

G _ _ d _ _  _ _ i _ _

_ _ _ t

_ _ _ e _  b _ _

C _ v _ _ _ n

H _ _ _ y _

_ _ _ a y _ _

A _ _ _ n

_ a n _ _ _

_ _ o _

G _ _ _ _ s _ _ _ _

_ _ o _ _ _ _ a _


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